Quick Steps to Becoming a Successful Video Game Streamer|Money88

Whether you're a fan of simple games like online free slots, or enjoy role-playing games and online multiplayer action games, you can reach a wide audience and monetize your fans. So, if you want to be a successful video game streamer, here's the gist of how you can get started:
Quick Steps to Becoming a Successful Video Game Streamer|Money88


If there’s one thing the advent of YouTube and Twitch gaming channels has taught us in recent years, it’s that being a video game streamer is a real career choice, not just a casual pursuit. According to experts at Market Watch, the live video game market as a whole is now worth more than $1 billion a year, with fan donations, esports sponsorships, and advertising revenue making up the bulk of the booming game streamer’s profits.

With the live game streaming giant raking in millions of dollars in profits, adding up, many people are starting to think about starting their potentially lucrative streaming career. Whether you are a fan of simple games like online free slots, or enjoy role-playing games and online multiplayer action games, you can reach a wide audience and monetize your followers. So, if you want to be a successful video game streamer, here’s the gist of how you can get started:

1. Choose a platform|Money88

As an aspiring game streaming superstar, one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is choosing a platform that you’ll use to start reaching your content audience. YouTube and Twitch are obvious candidates as they enjoy the largest market share. You still have to choose your streaming platform wisely, as each works differently depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

For example, while YouTube offers a larger audience for streamers, viewers are less likely to engage with your channel than Twitch. In fact, according to recent statistics, creators on Twitch receive a higher revenue share than YouTube streamers. So, if you’re looking for loyalty, Twitch is the way to go. But if mass appeal is what you’re after, YouTube might be the best choice for you.

2. Choose your favorite game|Money88

Once you have a platform, the next step is to choose your primary game. Like many other avid online gamers, you probably have some favorite games you want to stream live. But since you’re just starting out, you have to really focus on one game so you can create a sense of brand identity. You can start with some of the biggest games on the streaming platform, including League of Legends, Fortnite, Call of Duty, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), Rainbow Six Siege, and more.

3. Acquiring a Niche|Money88

After you’ve settled on your platform of choice and the games you’ll be streaming, you should decide what type of game streamer you really want to be. There’s no point trying to compete with the other big names in the industry because bringing you new fans won’t do you much good. Instead, add an element of your personality that no other streamer should have. It could be your sense of humor, your style of dress, or your industry acumen. Just find your niche and work on it.

4. Make the most of professional gaming sites|Money88

Doing research on any worthwhile career is one of the determinants of success. So if you’re wondering how to stay competitive in this crowded field, you can check out other live gaming sites that offer streaming entertainment in addition to the biggest Twitch channels. This way, you can emulate successful streamers and follow their example as you build your personal brand.

5. Buy some serious gaming hardware|Money88

If you aspire to succeed in the streaming world, you almost certainly need to invest in some high-quality equipment. Using a webcam on a laptop doesn’t solve the problem, as nearly all viewers are used to watching streams through high-resolution megapixel cameras that can even stream 4K UHD content with dedicated surround sound and light.

6. Self-promotion is a must|Money88

Having the best gaming skills and the best gaming hardware doesn’t guarantee you success in streaming. The only way to let people know if you’re worth a look is to sell yourself. It’s as if your whole life depends on it. You can associate streaming channel with all social media channels. Talk to friends and family and let you speak up. Reach out to well-known video game streamers and ask them to collaborate. Remember, the moment you think you’re worth watching, other people will too.


These six tips constitute the key steps to becoming a successful video game streamer. As you continue to build your streaming channel, always remember to enjoy yourself along the way. Video game streaming is all about having fun, and if you’re not having fun, why would you be doing it?