Baijiayou has five major skill schools|Money88

If you can also play baccarat, but you always lose money when you play by yourself, then come in and see if there is any teaching on how to play baccarat.Money88
If you can also play baccarat, but you always lose money when you play by yourself, then come in and see if there is any teaching on how to play baccarat

Today, the secret of baccarat will share with you the five major baccarat skill genres, and help you analyze the reasons for losing money in baccarat|Money88


The proportion of people who look at the road is the highest, at least 70% to 80%, or even higher.I think it is not surprising that the most people look at the road, because most people will look at the road and discuss what the current road is.There are also many articles on the Internet about this baccarat secret technique. After reading the article, everyone will be eager to try, but most people will still lose money in baccarat.In the actual operation process, the focus of the eyes is on the computer card road, whether it is a big road or other small roads, it will become everyone’s guiding light, and the direction of the road will also become everyone’s reliance on betting.Good roads do appear, but like a rainbow after the rain, they just appear suddenly, and the good times are always short-lived.When the good times don’t last long and the road is not going well, everyone suddenly loses support, and they may bet indiscriminately, and the road keeps changing, leading to failure.So you can look at the good road recommendations for each system, so you don’t need to refer to them.Because that kind of thing has no baccarat skills at all, it’s just a tool that the system manufacturer wants you to play all the time.According to big data statistics, it is found that among the eight decks, only two decks have regular roads on average, and irregular bad roads and chaotic roads account for 80%.It can be seen how rare good roads are, and what baccarat misleads you to lose money is that almost every deck of cards will have some short-lived right roads.Therefore, the richer the experience of seeing the road, the easier it is to catch a good road that is really regular.And your experience is your baccarat secret technique, which is not far from profit.

Gambling cake|Money88

The word originated in Hong Kong, and the meaning of cable is equivalent to the bet often said in Taiwan, so betting on cable is a way of betting. Most of these bet allocations do not focus on whether you are playing banker or player. You can play dealer or play as you like. The focus of baccarat teaching is how much to bet on the next hand after losing or winning money in this game of baccarat.Gambling includes losing money and losing money. These people bet heavily once they lose, trying to make money.The most criticized part of the gambling school is that it is big and small. It is also often said that if you win, you have won a candy, and if you lose, you have lost.But we cannot deny that the world is full of wonders. There are indeed some people who can make a living and even make a fortune by “requesting”, but just like the top direct sellers, they are very few people.

Yong Zhuang faction|Money88

Zhuangzhuang School is also called Zhuangzhu. As the name suggests, their baccarat secret technique is to only bet on the banker and not the player, thinking that they can still make money after the draw is over.But in fact, the percentage offered by Zhuang Xian, after deducting the “and”, is almost 49% to 49%.Therefore, the Zhuangzhuang school will definitely lose money if they play baccarat for a long time, but those who only play with Changzhuang and Zhuanglong still have a chance to make a profit.

Lucky pie|Money88

I don’t think I need to introduce this baccarat secret technique, as the meaning can be understood from the name.Some people may think that I am bragging, because playing Baijia requires real money.Unlike Monopoly, it is just a bunch of virtual numbers, how can it be possible to play around with luck?But according to our years of experience in the entertainment industry, there really are such people.Because we are all chatting with customers, some of them don’t understand or are just bored, so we bet at will depending on our mood and luck.I privately call it the Buddhist style of play, but when he has a certain level of understanding of baccarat, he will leave baccarat, a genre that is easy to lose money.Maybe you’ll be one of the first three genres, after a boring person finds something to do, maybe he won’t play.

Lantern Cake|Money88

If you have been in contact with Baijiahe Sports, then you must be familiar with the word “lighting”, as the name suggests, just follow him.It’s like you are a ship on the sea. When you lost your way, suddenly you saw a lighthouse on the land pointing you in the right direction.In the world of baccarat, the bright light is the secret of baccarat, which can bring you money and save you from the pain of losing money in baccarat.There are three situations in which you might use a counterparty as a beacon:You might see a player win several times in a row and then be given an X streak plus a fire symbol.Although he didn’t know how to do it, he almost always won with one shot.Someone who bets a lot and has a good equity.When you meet these types of players, you might start betting on what he bets.But the risk is that you don’t know whether his baccarat secret technique belongs to the first two technical streams, or the fourth Buddhism that is easy to lose money in baccarat.So this betting method is very similar to the fourth one, except that instead of looking at your own luck, you look at other people’s luck.


In fact, the above five types have their own advantages and disadvantages, and even the last three that I do not recommend have their own advantages.Chances are you won’t play well with the first two techniques, but after betting with someone who might win.You will turn a profit, so there are no absolutes. The best way is to observe and learn from these five methods.When you understand baccarat teaching and learn it, you can combine the above skills when playing baccarat.